
Why people get demotivated? and how to stay motivated ?

                         We all have faced this at one point or time. We start something with great zeal and enthusiasm, but after a certain time period, enthusiasm and passion fall apart in pieces. And what is left with us is regret.                          We see people around us who are successful or are excelling in something and the thought that comes to our mind is" I want to be like that' and " and "I will do anything that can make me like that".We listen to many Motivational speakers on youtube that fulfill us with energy and we feel inspired. We stand up and says to ourselves " yes "I am going to work hard and get what I aspire for."                          I have seen many students around me who come to Delhi with a dream in their eyes to become IAS, IPS, etc. They start their preparation with great passion. After a few years, their passion and dream fade away and they are not as inspired as they were. It is quite natural with all o

10 books you must buy from World bookfair 2020, Delhi/Pragati Maidan Book Fair, Delhi

10 books you must buy from World bookfair 2020, Delhi/Pragati Maidan Book Fair, Delhi                               Good books have magic as they amaze us in so many ways. A good book has the potential to add so much value to one's life. All great people who once walked the earth are not around us anymore, but we can still have their intellect with us. Holding a book written by Shakespeare or Kalidas or Premchad means you are holding a part of that great person who once had a pen and paper and put down his mind on that paper. We generally undermine this thing but in actuality, all those people are around us in the papers of books. We can sense their presence in those pages for sure.                              Be it any genre, books are the best tool that makes us grow intellectually. They can be our friends when we feel alone. They can entertain us when we feel bored and can make us laugh or cry. Be it any situation, you will find them closest to you as a pillar of support a

Rumi and His experience about Life.

When I was clever, I wanted to change the world. When I was wise, I changed myself.                             ----Rumi Such a beautiful thought from one of the greatest poets of all time, a Sufi mystic from Persia and a philosopher of the thirteenth century. So much deep meaning is attached to these magical words. If we ponder on this, we can get a whole sense of life itself. And if we apply this to our life, it can be far far better than it is now and we can contribute to make this world a better place. We can find the true meaning of our existence just by applying this into our life. When Rumi was a young man, full of energy and vigor, he developed a habit of questioning everything. He was not happy with anything around him. He didn’t find pleasure and happiness in anything that was not as per his will. He wanted to destroy everything of his disliking. Rumi wanted every man on this planet to follow him and bow to him. He wanted to paint the whole world wit

Corruption- Role of State and Civil Society

                 As we all can see this deadly poison of corruption in our system has been spread which has now reached to our day to day life and affecting our growth as a nation and individual as well.Role of state as an instrument and civil societies as an awakened intelligentsia is call of the hour.The recent bribery scandal in the defence helicopter deal of 3600 crore rupees has once again brought the issue of corruption on forefront in India.                 Interestingly, the Union Cabinet has accepted 14 out of 16 recommendation of the select committee for passing the Lokpal bill, meant to tackle corruption in the country.It’s an irony that even a prolonged campaign against corruption last year could not throw any tangible solution. The matter is bursting at its seams but there is little hardly any respite to the common man hit hard by such unethical practices.India like many other countries of South and Southeast Asia i

Plant Genomics to curb hunger without damaging environment !!!

Ever expanding human population incurs an unending pressure on environment and food availability which leads to hunger if not resolved. These twin problems , according to scientist communities can be taken care of by the use of “PLANT GENOMICS” technology which is a used to originate new variety of crops by doing genetically modification  having extraordinary capacity of high yielding without harming environment. population of planet would be around 9 billion till 2050 which will create unprecedented pressure over food security and environment.In 1960s and 70s, there was widespread hunger due to less or no food availability was prevalent in many parts of the world which needed immediate and concrete actions to be taken..A biotechnological revolution happened in 60s and 70s resolved the problems of hunger up to an extent and a large population came out of prevalent hunger. Challenge had been taken by scientific class and high yielding varieties were generated by mixing a

Ladki Patao Abhiyaan !!

Before writing this post, please allow me to ask you a simple question .    FOR BOYS: when you read the title of this post, did you feel something *** in your heart that made you read the post?  Did you think that there might be some tips and tricks to woo a girl? If yes, then you must stick to this post.  FOR GIRLS: When you saw the title , what did you think? I leave that answer to you because I can’t even predict what you thought (and no one can). seriously!! Fortunately, I had ample time last week .So, I was completely stuck to my TV set and watched variety of programs and in every program of 30 minutes, there were Ads for almost 15 minutes. it’s hard to say whether I was watching Ads in programs or programs in Ads. One thing which perturbed the tranquil of my mind and made me write this post was that in every commercial, instead of selling their products, companies were marketing different ways to woo a girl. From a man’s underwear to a shaving cream: Each commercial is

Thank You English !!!

My watch is showing 2:30 AM and I am here writing this piece of crap. You must be thinking as if I am mad or what. Yes! I am. In fact I am not but made. Something unusual but good happened today that made me compel to write this post. I have been trying to sleep since last one hour but I perceived that this incident/accident is not letting me sleep. Today, I met someone whom I didn’t know before but now I do. So, I thought I should share this experience of mine with you. That’s the only way to tranquil my mind so that I can get a sound sleep. We all meet people on social sites whom we don’t know but this is special one for the reason that it ruined my sleep. When I started interacting, I came to know that we were very unlike in every aspect. Be it our regions, our traditions, religious beliefs, mother tongue, education background everything you can imagine for that matter. Only commonality between us is our country and English. Yes, we both know English and that’s how