10 books you must buy from World bookfair 2020, Delhi/Pragati Maidan Book Fair, Delhi

10 books you must buy from World bookfair 2020, Delhi/Pragati Maidan Book Fair, Delhi

                              Good books have magic as they amaze us in so many ways. A good book has the potential to add so much value to one's life. All great people who once walked the earth are not around us anymore, but we can still have their intellect with us. Holding a book written by Shakespeare or Kalidas or Premchad means you are holding a part of that great person who once had a pen and paper and put down his mind on that paper. We generally undermine this thing but in actuality, all those people are around us in the papers of books. We can sense their presence in those pages for sure.
                             Be it any genre, books are the best tool that makes us grow intellectually. They can be our friends when we feel alone. They can entertain us when we feel bored and can make us laugh or cry. Be it any situation, you will find them closest to you as a pillar of support and guiding light.
                              The 28th edition of the NDWBF will commence from January 4, 2020 ad it will last for 9 days till the 12th of January. The book fair is being organized by the National Book Trust with India Trade Promotion Organization, Ministry of Commerce as the co-organizers. The theme for NDWBF 2020 is Gandhi: The Writers’ Writer.
                               Books in Hindi, English and many foreign languages can be found there. Great literary works and their translations can be found. Book lovers and voracious readers have the best opportunity to find the books of genres they like, the authors and writers they admire.

                                Here, we have shortlisted the 10 books that every book lover or a person who aspires to add value to his/her life must at least give a read. This list is not as per preference but arranged randomly. This list covers an array of genres.

1.   by 

                          I would simply say " THIS BOOK WILL BLOW YOUR MIND, TRUST ME".
The more I say about this book, the more will there to be said. This book will change the view of the world we say around. It will explain and elaborate so many things that we never thought of. 
                             How humans reached this stage? How gods are created? How cities and kingdoms formed? How is money generated and it works? How agriculture impacted us? There are innumerable questions this book will answer, in the simplest way. It does not only answer, but it also engages you in such a way that you will close your eyes and ponder on the awesomeness of the world around you that you experience after reading this. This is a must-read book. Go for it with closed eyes and it won't disappoint you.

2Homo Deus: A History of Tomorrow by 

It may sound a bit cliche that I mentioned two books here from the same author but believe me, if you read Homo Sapiens and then leave Homo Deus,  it would be like watching the first season of Game of Thrones and leaving others. The story gets complete when we read both books. The first book brings you ( along with evolution and other species) from prehistoric times to today. Home Deus will take you to a journey of the future. It tells us the trends of the future and how humans will evolve in the future. This book tells us how humans are going to be God of themselves. Homo Deus explores the projects, dreams, and nightmares that will shape the twenty-first century—from overcoming death to creating artificial life. Give this book a read and i assure you, you will thank me for this.

3. A Short History of Nearly Everything by 

Though the Genre of this book is Science in General, but things are explained in such a simple manner that everyone will be comfortable in understanding every written word, every concept discussed. As the name suggests, after reading this world, you will be able to understand the nature of things around us, from universe as a whole to the smallest atom. This book covers topics as diverse as cosmology, quantum physics, paleontology, chemistry and other subjects that have bedeviled all of us in childhood.

4. Norwegian Wood by  

 This book is for those people who love delving into the world of love, relationships, conflicts, and emotions. This book will touch the right tones of your heart while telling a captivating story of a young boy who experiences a spectrum of colors of life. Murakami is a writer who understands human emotions in the most organic and truthful way. You can read other works of him as well namely Kafka on the Shore and Dance Dance Dance.

5.  A Suitable Boy by  

At its heart, A Suitable Boy is a love story. This book will take you to a journey of 1950s India. It portraits the family setting of that time and how relations among immediate and extended family members are entangled. It shows a side of society and relations where you find a perfect porridge of humor, emotions, sadness, ambitions, and prejudices. Though its a fictional story, but it still educates you about the Indian society of that time. Vikram Seth is an Indian writer and this piece of the gem is an outcome of that brain that will make you proud in more than one sense.

6.  Think and Grow Rich by  

As I earlier said, historical great minds may not be around us in physical form, but their thoughts, intellect, and wisdom are still with us in the form of books that they had written long ago. Out of so many motivational and self-help books in the market, this book stands way ahead of all and considered to be one of the best selling self-help books of all time. The author of this book may be surrounded by many controversies, but this book is a sheer work of a great mind. This book truly inspires people to become rich. If you are a person who seeks outside motivation, grab this book and be a master of your destiny.

7. Raag Darbari by  

To be honest with you, this is undoubtedly the funniest book I have ever laid my hands on. Every page will make you roll till the time your stomach starts aching. It is a beautiful book full of social and political satire with a dose of humor. Rag Darbari stands out from all Hindi Novels of modern times. This book deserves your attention and time if you are a book lover. I would suggest you read the Hindi version. But if you are not comfortable with Hindi, then you can read its English translation also which is equally captivating and humourous.

8.  Shantaram by 

I would simply just say " This is the masterpiece of modern literature" and if you haven't read it yet, you missed a lot. You will find so many quotable sentences on a single page that you will be lost in the beauty of words and emotions behind them. Shantaram is a book plot of which is set up in Bombay. Heart of the book lies in emotions, friendship, the ugliness of human characters, deceit and what not. Everything is so beautifully woven that you will definitely be lost in the world this book creates for its readers.

9.The Palace of Illusions by 

You may have heard the story of MAHABHARATA millions of times,  but this book will retell that story in such a fresh way that you won't be able to stop yourself from completing this book in one go. The story of Mahabharata is retold from Panchali's point of view and how she had felt and seen the world around her. After reading this book, you will love to tell others also about it. Such a unique take on Mahabharata from a women's point of view in the context that this epic is considered to be a play and battleground of alpha males. Draupadi was not an ordinary woman as she had own ambitions and aspirations just like a modern woman. She was too bold and brave enough just to be a woman who is there to take of kids and serve her husband. She is brave, clever, some times mean and strong lady who never hesitated to speak against the most powerful ones when time demanded.

10. Origin by   

If you are a fan of history, thriller, and mystery, then you should not wait for a second and must add this book to your reading list as soon as possible. You must have heard ( who didn't ?) The Da Vinci Code, the greatest work of Dan Brown among others. This book is no less than The Da Vinci Code  I must admit. This book will hook you up so tightly that you will fall in love with the story and characters. The twists and turns this book presents have no parallel in other literary works.

To reach the book fair at Pragati Maidan, you can take metro route. 
1. From Rajiv Chowk Metro, change another metro for Vaishali. 
2. From Rajiv Chowk metro, its 3 stations away only ( Barakhamba Road, Mandi House).
3. Exit from Pragati Maidan metro gate no. 1.
4. from there, you will see the Pragati Maidan Book Fair entry gate which is very near

 Have a good read !!


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