Why people get demotivated? and how to stay motivated ?

                         We all have faced this at one point or time. We start something with great zeal and enthusiasm, but after a certain time period, enthusiasm and passion fall apart in pieces. And what is left with us is regret.
                         We see people around us who are successful or are excelling in something and the thought that comes to our mind is" I want to be like that' and " and "I will do anything that can make me like that".We listen to many Motivational speakers on youtube that fulfill us with energy and we feel inspired. We stand up and says to ourselves " yes "I am going to work hard and get what I aspire for."
                         I have seen many students around me who come to Delhi with a dream in their eyes to become IAS, IPS, etc. They start their preparation with great passion. After a few years, their passion and dream fade away and they are not as inspired as they were. It is quite natural with all of us that we don't feel inspired for long. It is innate in human nature.
                         Some of us even start in that direction which is a great thing. Have you realized that this inspiration that fulfilled us stays with us for a short period of time may be days or months? After some time, we no longer feel like doing that work and then leave that altogether. We then regret why did I start that in the first place.
                                   " MOTIVATION DOES NOT STAY FOR LONG
                                                       DEMOTIVATION DOES"
Why does it happen? Why does motivation die down? Why do we no longer feel inspired enough?

Today, I have decided to ponder on this and find out the reasons for the same.

Fear of Small failures             

                                 "  Failure is that path which leads us to success"

When we first start, we are bound to fail, bound to fall. It's like learning a bicycle or walking during childhood. Without falling, failure and some scratches, we don't learn the rewards that we get when we finally succeed.
Fear of small failures is something that stops us from moving ahead. We feel discouraged when we work hard and don't get the desired output. If it repeats many times, we stop. We stop trying one more time, we stop thinking about the reason why we started.
Success is the accumulation of small failures. Gold maybe three feet away, but if we stop digging, we will never find it out.
So, don't feel discouraged next time you face small failures, instead wear your failure as a crown and learn from it. Analyze the outcome and improve next time.


Fear of chaar log

                                                "INDIA MAI BAS EK HI ROG
                                                KYA KAHENGE CHAAR LOG"

You must have heard it many times. We as a society are so much concerned about people around us and what they think about us. When we feel motivated and start something new, there are very fewer people who support us. Initially, we even start ignoring what they ( 4 log) say but slowly they start affecting us. They try to demotivate us in so many ways. And this is where we give up. In order to be a part of our surroundings,we become just like them and we give up. When we don't see many people around us doing the same thing that we are doing, we feel alone and we start looking for like-minded people which is hard to find.
Once I started learning guitar and I was very passionate about it. I purchased one and started learning the nodes and all. People started saying to me many things like " this is not the age", " don't try to be a kid", " do something meaningful" and whatnot. Initially, I ignored them. Learning anything takes time and that is where the tricky part comes. In order to get their acceptance, I gave up altogether. This is how I felt demotivated.

It happens with all of us in so many ways. We seek outside validation and in order to get that, we give up on our dreams.
Remember, starting a journey is not always easy. It requires lot of courage and boldness. If you aspire to achieve that most people only dream of, you will have to be on your own. You need to accept the reality that the journey you are treading on, is only yours. You just start and stop thinking about anyone else. One day you will find the world following you, but first, you need to follow your dream.

All the best !!


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