Thank You English !!!

My watch is showing 2:30 AM and I am here writing this piece of crap. You must be thinking as if I am mad or what. Yes! I am. In fact I am not but made. Something unusual but good happened today that made me compel to write this post. I have been trying to sleep since last one hour but I perceived that this incident/accident is not letting me sleep. Today, I met someone whom I didn’t know before but now I do.

So, I thought I should share this experience of mine with you. That’s the only way to tranquil my mind so that I can get a sound sleep. We all meet people on social sites whom we don’t know but this is special one for the reason that it ruined my sleep.

When I started interacting, I came to know that we were very unlike in every aspect. Be it our regions, our traditions, religious beliefs, mother tongue, education background everything you can imagine for that matter. Only commonality between us is our country and English. Yes, we both know English and that’s how it is possible to talk. Now after talking to each other, I know that we both share a common dream and same family value. We both love to laugh on stupid things and are very emotional about relationships. Since we have shared a bit of these parts of our lives, now I think we are much very alike. Because emotions make relations, others things doesn’t matter.

This is always special to know people from different walks of life. Now I sense what if we didn’t know English? Could we ever come to know each other? A kind of bond which is connecting us, was it possible to make it without knowing English?  How could it be possible to know each other and share a part of our lives?  No, it couldn’t be. It happened because of our common language, because of English. That’s why I am showing gratitude to English because of which I came to know a beautiful person.

And this is not the only case which happened to me. It happens with many of us. And just imagine, what if English would not have been there? In a country like us, where so much diversity all around, people from other regions and traditions could never come close and make a common blend of it. We are so much different in every aspect, had we not shared anything, it would have been like fifty different countries. We all have same nationality but that doesn’t make us one. What makes us one is our feelings, our common goals, our values and something common that we share. These all aspects can be glued only when we speak a common language. There are other factors too but role of English can’t be negated as language is something that brings two worlds together and makes it one, especially in this case.

I am going to end this now and just feel like to say “THANK YOU ENGLISH


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