
Showing posts from 2014

Corruption- Role of State and Civil Society

                 As we all can see this deadly poison of corruption in our system has been spread which has now reached to our day to day life and affecting our growth as a nation and individual as well.Role of state as an instrument and civil societies as an awakened intelligentsia is call of the hour.The recent bribery scandal in the defence helicopter deal of 3600 crore rupees has once again brought the issue of corruption on forefront in India.                 Interestingly, the Union Cabinet has accepted 14 out of 16 recommendation of the select committee for passing the Lokpal bill, meant to tackle corruption in the country.It’s an irony that even a prolonged campaign against corruption last year could not throw any tangible solution. The matter is bursting at its seams but there is little hardly any respite to the common man hit hard by such unethical practices.India like many other countries of South and Southeast Asia i

Plant Genomics to curb hunger without damaging environment !!!

Ever expanding human population incurs an unending pressure on environment and food availability which leads to hunger if not resolved. These twin problems , according to scientist communities can be taken care of by the use of “PLANT GENOMICS” technology which is a used to originate new variety of crops by doing genetically modification  having extraordinary capacity of high yielding without harming environment. population of planet would be around 9 billion till 2050 which will create unprecedented pressure over food security and environment.In 1960s and 70s, there was widespread hunger due to less or no food availability was prevalent in many parts of the world which needed immediate and concrete actions to be taken..A biotechnological revolution happened in 60s and 70s resolved the problems of hunger up to an extent and a large population came out of prevalent hunger. Challenge had been taken by scientific class and high yielding varieties were generated by mixing a

Ladki Patao Abhiyaan !!

Before writing this post, please allow me to ask you a simple question .    FOR BOYS: when you read the title of this post, did you feel something *** in your heart that made you read the post?  Did you think that there might be some tips and tricks to woo a girl? If yes, then you must stick to this post.  FOR GIRLS: When you saw the title , what did you think? I leave that answer to you because I can’t even predict what you thought (and no one can). seriously!! Fortunately, I had ample time last week .So, I was completely stuck to my TV set and watched variety of programs and in every program of 30 minutes, there were Ads for almost 15 minutes. it’s hard to say whether I was watching Ads in programs or programs in Ads. One thing which perturbed the tranquil of my mind and made me write this post was that in every commercial, instead of selling their products, companies were marketing different ways to woo a girl. From a man’s underwear to a shaving cream: Each commercial is

Thank You English !!!

My watch is showing 2:30 AM and I am here writing this piece of crap. You must be thinking as if I am mad or what. Yes! I am. In fact I am not but made. Something unusual but good happened today that made me compel to write this post. I have been trying to sleep since last one hour but I perceived that this incident/accident is not letting me sleep. Today, I met someone whom I didn’t know before but now I do. So, I thought I should share this experience of mine with you. That’s the only way to tranquil my mind so that I can get a sound sleep. We all meet people on social sites whom we don’t know but this is special one for the reason that it ruined my sleep. When I started interacting, I came to know that we were very unlike in every aspect. Be it our regions, our traditions, religious beliefs, mother tongue, education background everything you can imagine for that matter. Only commonality between us is our country and English. Yes, we both know English and that’s how


Judiciary, Supreme Court, chief justice; when these words come to our mind then a feeling of honesty associated with them follows the thoughts. This is the magic of these institutions that has been created in the minds of our countrymen. And what’s the point of creating them if they are not able to leave an impression of highest level of honesty, impartiality and integrity? These are expected out of them because they are the guardians and protector of natural justice, fundamental rights of individuals, checks on executives etc. Judiciary ensures whether other organs (Legislature, executives) are under their limits or not. In short judiciary micromanages our lives . It affects everything around us these days from education to health, from infrastructure to city plans, from corruption to appointments. You name anything and there it is. This is due to the activism of judiciary that its sphere has increased many folds than our forefathers even thought of it. In fact member i


Hello friends, This topic, which I am going to discuss today, is different in many manners from other topics i have been writing since long. It’s about one of the organ of the United Nations. We all know about United Nations. Right? The United Nations ( UN ) is an intergovernmental organization established on 24 October 1945 to promote international co-operation and peace throughout the world. It has many organs which operate with coordination to achieve these goals. The most powerful and prominent organ of UN is the Security Council . Its main function is to decide certain resolutions for peace and security. And how does it do that? It's done by sending peacekeeping force to the regions of conflicts. And what is this peacekeeping force is all about? Yes, I am going to discuss this topic today, may not be in a comprehensive way but briefly. WHAT ARE THE PEACEKEEPING FORCES ?                 Peacekeeping forces are the forces which are sent to the regions of conflict

My heart is touched !!!

Hello friends, It’s been quite long time I have not posted here anything, not even any joke or anything else. It was very busy since my last appearance here. My exam was over, so I was having some fun to relax myself little bit. Something happened today that made me write it about. A small incident which taught me a great lifelong lesson. I was coming to Delhi from Ambala by bus and was busy thinking uncountable things that I usually do. Then with a great speed, a brand new Safari of shining black color overtook my bus and suddenly what I saw!! A boy sitting in that safari was busy with his I-Phone. A phone that every young man wish to have( so do I). My mind, which was wondering in all possible directions, suddenly came to life and it got focused on a point, started thinking about my miserable life having no I-Phone and a big car. Then it started pondering about stuffs that I don’t have and so many others have. I found myself in deep grief after a few minutes

Am I unique ?

             Today I saw a boy wearing a t-shirt and something interesting was written on it which made my eyeballs turn to was " you are unique like everyone else" . Since then I have been thinking that how am I unique and how much?                 And I tried to figure out things that I do but no one does. The things that I do without observing and imitating others. And I found it very interesting that I imitate people around me for everything I do. Their thoughts and actions affect my thought process and decisions I take.           How? Once my friend and I thought to go out for dinner. We reached there and found two restaurants side by side. One restaurant's parking was full and other's had few vehicles. We didn't give a second thought and immediately decided to go where everyone was going and parked our car there(though it took 25 minutes to find appropriate place). Why did we do that? Why did we do what others did? Why did we decide to go there,where