Hello readers!!!
I continue the story further....
i have mentioned in my blog of 31st December that what INDIA had for which it was known to the world and little bit introduction that what INDIA served to the whole world.

As we know that India was a land of gold and wealth. So, so many crusaders attacked India to invade for the motive to loot money from here and get rich. First of all Muslim Invaders came here and ruled India for a long time (about 600-700 years). India has a culture of diluting different cultures here. So Muslims diluted here and had a great effect on Indian culture. Both cultures mixed and made some of the best buildings of the world including TAZ MEHAL.

Then British came here for business purpose. When they came here, the realized that India is too much rich of natural resources and raw materials. So their policy had been changed and they thought to rule over India. They have played some bad tricks and get succeed in their purpose. We will not go in detail of that how it all happened. They have ruined Indian market and business. India kept becoming poor and poorer every day.
At last thousands of people stood against their reign and Britishers had to leave from India on august 15, 1947. Before leaving India, they have given number of wounds which are not possible to heal ever (Partition of India is one of them).

India got freedom after sacrifice of thousands of people. After freedom, constitution of India had been written. Some of the finest points from the world's finest constitutions had been included in that which has been passed on january26, 1950 .Democracy had been applied here because democracy is the best way of running a government and work for the welfare of countrymen.
For some time, it was all going good because power of govt. was in good hands or we can say that their (leaders) intention was good for country and for people. after that, when Indian market kept open for the world and foreigner companies had been invited, then flow of money started here and the people who were in govt , couldn't even think what they should work for. Foreign companies invested here and Indian leaders, bureaucrats and  business men had killed their soul and morale and they started taking and giving bribe. Then system got corrupted and still it is. It started from level and entered into the vein of system.

As we all know that Scams are going on daily basis. Scams like 2G spectrum, Illegal mining scam, CWG, Adarsh Society etc. These scams are so big that common man has to suffer a lot in the form of inflation and hike in petrol prices etc. To remove this corruption from the society, Person like Anna Hazare stood up against govt. to bring a strong jan Lokpal bill to the parliament. It was essential to remove corruption up to a level and punish all corrupt people who know only one thing and that is : "fill their pocket from common man's money which is earned after hard work."

We have seen such a big drama in govt because they were not in condition to accept the proposal of Jan lokpal bill. Because they know, if this bill has been passed, then more than half of them would be behind the bars. Public stood up with Anna Hazare in the support of the bill and govt went on Back foot. Govt had to change their stand and they sent the draft to the standing committee. Now in winter session of parliament, they refused to accept the terms which were expected earlier. People of India have been cheated and lots of traps have been created to weaken the Hazare movement. At last, weak Lokpal bill has been passed in Loksabha and then again rejected in Rajyasabha..

It is rejected because not a single politician is willing to remove corruption from the system. System has been worst in recent years.

 Now Question arises?
Where the country is going on?

I will discuss it later !!
Till then
Take care and happy new year to all of you!!


  1. its just starting. . i will try to improve but need your valuable comments and suggestions. . I hope you will do.

  2. its just starting. . i will try to improve but need your valuable comments and suggestions. . I hope you will do.

  3. Good thoughts,,,,
    Keep going on.............

  4. Its a nice starting dude... keep going, people will follow you one day...


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