Can't this be stopped? Rape.

              Rape, when this word comes before us or a thought of it comes to our mind, a picture just flashes in front of us about a woman crying for help with helplessness, dread in eyes and prayer in heart. What else this woman can do!! And a man showing his so called “manhood’ looting the dignity of a woman who is someone’s sister, mother and friend.

                I will not go so much deep in this topic (as my own knowledge about this is limited), still I couldn’t stop myself to write something about it.

Who is a rapist apart from being a beast having human face? Is he a normal human being with crack mind or a crack mind person among normal people? Is he a rapist by behavior or a normal person who behaves like a mad dog at that moment? It seems like a devil enters into his soul at that time or he is a devil at first place? Whatever is the reason, he performs that act which is far beyond the limits of being a civilized human being.

                Sometimes my mind ponders, that why a rapist does this inhumane act? What makes him do this kind of heinous crime? There may be a long list of possible causes according to many (i am not going in detail) the prime cause of it as I think is uncontrolled mind and failure of effectiveness of inner voice which resides inside all of us which commands us not to do bad deeds. Due to this ineffectiveness, his mind fulfills with the whole world’s filth and inner voice becomes dead. And who is responsible for this ineffectiveness? Only that basta**. And what’s the end result?? Can’t even think.

                Sexual abuse is rampant at every strata in our society. Being a patriarchal society, a woman is considered as a stuff to use only, attached with no sense of respect and dignity. For some, women are matter of extreme honor and it leads to a level of insecurity so that women are even not allowed to go outside and forced to have lived inside boundary of restrictions. People having this narrow mindset see women as a slave. Repression of their freedom has been a tradition now since centuries, and now because women are trying to cross these boundaries and break shackles, these narrow minded people can’t digest women’s freedom and consider it as encroachment over their authority. And this mindset leads to sexual abuse and in extreme case, Rape.

                Now question arises that why rape is so much prevalent in some societies in comparison to others. (But it’s everywhere). Go back to that mindset thing. In those societies where freedom of women is accepted in general, there number of such cases are lesser and more in societies where opposite trend is present. And when inner voice becomes ineffective, it happens everywhere. And in case of India, a vast majority of men think that women are only slaves and their authority over women is their birth right. Filth of centuries has been spread in their blood cells which is not that easy to purify.

This trend doesn’t seem to stop instantly unless we men do purify our thoughts, change our attitude and accept reality. Punishing culprits is another thing, real remedy of it lies inside us. In the end I would like to quote it: TREAT EVERY WOMEN LIKE YOU WANT YOUR SISTERS AND MOTHERS TO BE TREATED


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