
Showing posts from January, 2020

Why people get demotivated? and how to stay motivated ?

                         We all have faced this at one point or time. We start something with great zeal and enthusiasm, but after a certain time period, enthusiasm and passion fall apart in pieces. And what is left with us is regret.                          We see people around us who are successful or are excelling in something and the thought that comes to our mind is" I want to be like that' and " and "I will do anything that can make me like that".We listen to many Motivational speakers on youtube that fulfill us with energy and we feel inspired. We stand up and says to ourselves " yes "I am going to work hard and get what I aspire for."                          I have seen many students around me who come to Delhi with a dream in their eyes to become IAS, IPS, etc. They start their preparation with great passion. After a few years, their passion and dream fade away and they are not as inspired as they were. It is quite natural with all o

10 books you must buy from World bookfair 2020, Delhi/Pragati Maidan Book Fair, Delhi

10 books you must buy from World bookfair 2020, Delhi/Pragati Maidan Book Fair, Delhi                               Good books have magic as they amaze us in so many ways. A good book has the potential to add so much value to one's life. All great people who once walked the earth are not around us anymore, but we can still have their intellect with us. Holding a book written by Shakespeare or Kalidas or Premchad means you are holding a part of that great person who once had a pen and paper and put down his mind on that paper. We generally undermine this thing but in actuality, all those people are around us in the papers of books. We can sense their presence in those pages for sure.                              Be it any genre, books are the best tool that makes us grow intellectually. They can be our friends when we feel alone. They can entertain us when we feel bored and can make us laugh or cry. Be it any situation, you will find them closest to you as a pillar of support a