
Showing posts from 2012

Where are YOU looking for happiness ?

Dear readers!! This blog is just about some absurd things one may think, but it is really what i feel inside and which runs through everyone's life. There is different kind of people having different likes and dislikes according to their area of interest. Reasons of being happy also may differ person to person. But one thing is common and that is “EVERYONE IN THIS WORLD WANTS TO BE HAPPY”. Searching for happiness is a great concern. Someone finds this in making money, other finds it in eating delicious food. Someone can find it in listening to music and other can find it in helping needy people, serving patients, serving country and this source of happiness is the best according to me. It doesn’t matter that which path one takes to reach to the goal (happiness) but it ought to be keeping in mind that while travelling on this path, no one should be affected in bad manners. Making others happy is also a great source of being happy. One can find this in little thi

Facebook Mania !!!!!

Hello Readers!! I was just thinking today that there are so many social networking sites these days like   Facebook   ,Twitter,  Myspace ,O rkut , Flicker etc. I have noticed that trend of these sites has been increasing drastically since last 2 years. Even it's said that every 8th person on the planet has   facebook   account. This is the height of popularity and still increasing!! Facebook   is like a viral these days. Not only among youths but old age person also. People can forget to wish good morning to their parents but not forget to update their status “good morning friends". Most common status are “feeling low”, " getting bore", need a break" , " i am happy due to this..." . People are so crazy to comment on others pictures and replying on their picks that they even forget that mummy is calling them, completely deaf. Actually commenting on others pick has a silent meaning that “NOW IT’S YOUR TURN TO COMMENT ON MY STATUS OR PICKS"


Dear Readers!!! I have mentioned you the whole story about our past and mid past. How corruption is spreading in our society and moral of people is declining. The path, on which our country is running is from " Backwardness to Advancement", backwardness means illiteracy, poverty, food shortage, death of kids due to malnutrition etc. The meaning of advancement is well known to us. But advancement doesn't mean that we should loose our moral values and that's happening now a days. We should accept Western technology, but we are accepting their culture. Which may be good according to them, but our culture doesn't teach that to us. Our cultural values teaches us to respect others, always tell truth, live and let live and love for whole mankind. But, what we are doing is opposite. We are going away from this great culture and trends. No one is ready to see others happy. Everyone is so selfish now a days so that "HATE" has become the "FATE". Ever


WHERE THE COUNTRY IS GOING ON Hello readers!!! I continue the story further.... i have mentioned in my blog of 31st December that what INDIA had for which it was known to the world and little bit introduction that what INDIA served to the whole world. As we know that India was a land of gold and wealth. So, so many crusaders attacked India to invade for the motive to loot money from here and get rich. First of all Muslim Invaders came here and ruled India for a long time (about 600-700 years). India has a culture of diluting different cultures here. So Muslims diluted here and had a great effect on Indian culture. Both cultures mixed and made some of the best buildings of the world including TAZ MEHAL . Then British came here for business purpose. When they came here, the realized that India is too much rich of natural resources and raw materials. So their policy had been changed and they thought to rule over India. They have played some bad